Ensure safe holding of scalpels with our selection of scalpel handles. We offer many types for a broad range of applications.
gSource supplies instruments used in general surgery. These medical supplies assist in many types of procedures. These include operations related to the abdomen, soft tissue, head and neck, vascular system and endocrine system. These tools have particular applications and specialized functions that make them ideal for such uses. Here are a few procedures you might perform using common surgical instruments:
We supply an extensive line of standard surgical instruments for the general surgery discipline. These instruments consist of 400 series German surgical stainless steel, tungsten carbide or other high-quality materials. They are reusable after proper cleaning and sterilization. Here are a few categories we provide:
Ensure safe holding of scalpels with our selection of scalpel handles. We offer many types for a broad range of applications.
We offer various types of scissors for different surgical procedures. These options include Doyen, Strabismus, Mayo, Knight and Metzenbaum.
These grasping instruments serve various purposes in general surgery. We offer clip applying, sponge, dressing, tissue, hemostatic and towel forceps.
Use our selection of suture passers and needle holders to assist in stitching wounds and incisions during surgery.
We offer hand held, nerve and self-retaining retractors for keeping incisions open during a procedure
Suction tubes allow for removing fluids from a surgical area. Our selection includes Poole, Frazier, Rosen and Yankauer tubes.
Browse our general surgery products to find the tools your operation needs. Once you find the required instruments, buy from us online.